
Our Customers

Back office cash recycling

Option 1

Back-Office Cash Recycling

  • Improve productivity – Remove and reallocate hours by reducing, and optimizing cash handling tasks
  • Reduce CIT cost, streamline banking processes
  • Optimize your working capital
  • Minimize stress for employees
  • Improve security
  • Real time cash visibility

Option 2

Front Office Cash Recycling

  • Automate all cash transactions at registers
  • Detect counterfeit at the register
  • Eliminate discrepancies
  • Reconciliation tasks no longer required
  • Improve hygiene
  • Remove cash exposure in store
  • Increase cash flow with same day value

Option 3

Desktop Solutions

  • Counts & sorts notes ready for banking
  • Counterfeit detection
  • Face & orientate notes
  • Central monitoring software

Back-office Cash Recyclers

Automate all back-office cash handling tasks

Consillion’s Back-Office Cash Recycling solutions provide a seamless and efficient way for gaming and hospitality businesses to manage their cash processes. The main outcome of our back-office solution ranges is to simplify all gaming related cash handling tasks within the business, including EGM/ATM and CRT clearance, as well as banking and reconciliation, significantly reducing time spent cash handling tasks and investigating discrepancies. By eliminating manual cash counting, clubs, RSLs, pubs, casinos and hospitality businesses can optimise their cash management processes, improving cash flow, and reducing the risk of errors.

Through the Consillion software, the business can benefit from real-time visibility across the venue/s, allowing businesses to track cash movements and ensure accurate reporting. 


Remove Manual cash handling icon

Eliminate manual cash counting

Money shrinkage icon

Eliminate cash errors and shrinkage

Notes icon

Deposit note clearances

Dispense tills icon

Dispense and deposit F&B daily floats in seconds

Cash reconciliation software icon

Reduce time for end of day reconciliation

Save Time icon

Reduce time when balancing or refloating your ATM & CRT

Back-office Solutions

Software Solutions


Full visibility of cash, anytime, from anywhere.

Cloud-based user-friendly dashboard that offers full tracking, reporting and monitoring capabilities.
Compatible with our Smart Deposit devices and Cash Recycling machines. 


Cash visibility icon

Real-time cash visibility across the venue/s

POS icon

POS transaction report and reconciliation

Eliminate discrepancies icon

Discrepancy investigation and alerts

Reporting Analytics icon

Machine monitoring and reporting

CIT Cost icon

Banking and CIT Management & cash replenishment

Cash Icon

Optimise cash levels by monitoring cash usage and movements

Software Solutions

Consillion Newton 3 Desktop Solutions

Desktop Solutions

Reduce manual cash counting and detect counterfeit

Consillion has been offering desktop solutions for over 25 years, offering a wide range of solutions to fit customers requirements.

At Consillion we understand that every business has unique needs, which is why we offer a wide range of desktop solutions to fit your specific requirements. Whether you need counterfeit detectors, note and coin scales, note counters and sorters, we can help you find the most cost-effective and efficient solution for your business. Our team of experts will work with you to identify your needs and recommend the best products to help you streamline your operations and improve your productivity. 


Remove Manual cash handling icon

Eliminate manual cash counting

validate cash icon

Counterfeit detection

Reduce costs icons

Improve accuracy

software icon

Central monitoring software

Save Time icon

Save time in the back-office

Front-office Cash Recyclers

Automate Cash Payments at the Register

The INLANE range is an innovative compact customer-facing solution providing customers a secure, fast, and contactless cash payment experience. Specifically designed to be implemented at your busier registers, it streamlines all cash handling tasks, eliminating the need of all cash handling tasks and increasing staff efficiency. By automating all cash handling tasks, the INLANE range promotes hygiene for both staff and customers, while also eliminating the risk of human error, detecting counterfeits and automating cash reconciliation.


Automate cash payments at your busier registers

Improve hygiene

Remove cash exposure at your busier registers

Money shrinkage icon

Detect counterfeit and eliminate discrepancies

Reporting Analytics icon

Reconciliation tasks are no longer required

CIT Cost icon

Reduce CIT visits and optimise your working capital

Front-office Solutions

Front-office Solutions

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